Easy Weekend Shakshuka Brunch

Weekend Shakshuka.jpeg

There's noting quite like waking up late and taking your time cooking an indulgent lazy brunch. This is a variation on a traditional recipe which has been tweaked over the years to become my ultimate weekend breakfast go-to. My husband has much simpler tastes, so this is something I cook just for myself and eat straight out of the pan. Here’s my easy version of Shakshuka...

First you need to peel and slice the onion and dice your pepper. Get these going in a medium heat pan with a drizzle of olive oil until they start to soften.

Once softened you need to add the garlic, chilli and all the spices except the chilli flakes. You can be really creative with your spices here so if you fancy adding some cumin (this is more traditional), cayenne pepper or caraway seeds then go ahead. You also need to add some harissa paste to the pan and let it all cook out for a minute or so until it's nice and fragrant. 

Then add the tomatoes, sundried tomato paste and a splash of water and let it cook for about 10 minutes until the sauce starts to thicken. Once  thickened, make two little wells and drop your eggs into them. Any eggs will do but Burford Browns are THE BEST, those rich gold eggs are just so beautiful and delicious. Try not to break a yolk like it did, but what what can you do? That's real life. 

Now I appreciate that for some this is a little rouge, but I like to add a few cubes of feta at this stage before popping on a lid and letting it cook for 10 minutes or so. 

While it's cooking roughly chop up your herbs. Coriander is my favourite but parsley is a more traditional. You want the whites to set and the yolks to stay runny. There's something I love about getting some of your five a day in at breakfast. 

Once it's cooked, sprinkle over the herbs and your chilli flakes if you want them. It's great  eaten straight out of the ban served with a dollop of yoghurt, and if you're really hungry warm some pitta to dip in. 


1 x small onion (red or white will do)

1/2 a bell pepper (red is my favourite)

1 x tin of cherry tomatoes or chopped tomatoes

2 x eggs

1 x tablespoon of sun dried tomato paste

1 x small clove of garlic

1 x teaspoon of harissa paste

1 x teaspoon of paprika

1 x teaspoon of chilli powder

A handful of feta cubes

A pinch of chilli flakes or some sliced chilli (optional depending on how brave you're feeling )

A handful of coriander and parsley (I often just have coriander)

This serving is for one very greedy person; if you double the eggs and add a while pepper it will be plenty for two, especially if you serve with more warmed pita bread. Let me know if you have any variations you'd recommend. 


Foodie Hotspot: Oranjezicht City Farm


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