Foolproof Lemon Posset


Lemon posset could quite possibly be one of the most rewarding deserts there is. It’s super easy to make, hard to mess up and can be made ahead which makes it perfect for a simple supper or a fancy dinner party.  It was the first desert my mother taught me to make so also it holds a special place in my heart (in addition to my stomach). I distinctly remember being worried that it wouldn’t set until it was explained to me that the chemical reaction between the cream and the lemon juice means that it’s almost impossible to mess it up. There are also minimal ingredients so there isn’t lots of shopping or preparation, another reason it makes it one of my dinner party staples; anything that can be made ahead that gives you a bit more time with your friends and family gets my vote.  This recipe serves 6-8 people depending on how generous you are. I like to use the little glass pots that GU deserts come in (anyone else obsessively hoard them?) because I think they’re the perfect size for this recipe; any bigger and it can be a bit rich.

If you’re going to ‘do the chocolate drizzle’ then you want to start off by chopping up about 80g of chocolate into small pieces and melting them in a glass bowl over water. This will only take a couple of minutes and once the chocolate is melted you can drizzle, dabble, spot or do whatever you want in the pots. This then needs to go in the fridge to set while you’re making your posset. If not, skip ahead to making your lovely lemony pud by putting your cream and sugar in a saucepan on a medium-low head and stir with a wooden spoon until all of the sugar has dissolved into the cream. Once all of the sugar has dissolved, turn up the heat a little and allow the calorie-free mixture to gently simmer for about a minute before turning off the heat. Then it’s time to add the juice and all the vibrant lemon zest and give it a good stir. Because it’s such a rich little desert I think always err on the side of too much lemon juice rather than not enough. Pour your luscious lemony mixture into your ramekins, or which ever little pots you decided to use. If you opted to do the chocolate drizzle you’ll be feeling very pleased with yourself right now as you see your patterns begin to appear.

Leave to set in the fridge for anything from 4-24 hours and then enjoy. I like to serve them with some berries to cut through the sweetness. 


  • 600ml of double cream

  • 200g caster sugar

  • Zest of 3 lemons plus approx. 80ml fresh lemon juice

  • 50g plain or dark chocolate

And that’s it, et voila. Told you it was simple.


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