Pandoro French Toast

Pandoro French Toast.jpg

It goes without saying, that leftovers are one of the best things about the food at Christmas. After all the hard work has gone into Christmas day itself, the glorious and bounty-full buffets that appear magically from the fridge are always awe-inspiring. Cold meats, random cheeses and anything else you can find accompanied by a plethora of condiments is the only acceptable boxing day lunch in my opinion.

It can be harder to find uses for leftover cake and sweets, but finding creative ways to use up leftovers is one of my favourite things to do, which is why on this cold and frosty Tuesday before work (yep, I’m working through Twixmas) I found myself enjoying this unbelievable breakfast of pandoro french toast. It’s GLORIOUS and I’ll be making it again this week for sure. Pandoro is the KING of Christmas bread and I won’t stop talking about it until it takes over panettone in the popularity stakes. To be honest, both work well in this recipe, but I love to use pandoro for the beautiful star shape it creates. This one was only £3.99 from Aldi and worth every penny.

This recipe serves one and you can simply multiply the ingredients depending on how many people you’re cooking for and it all works out in the end. The pandoro is tapered so if you’re serving whole slices give the top to the youngest, or whoever is least hungry and work your way down. If you’re serving for a crowd, keep the slices warm in the oven and then re-build so you have a Christmas tree of french toast to serve in the middle of the table. If you’re using up a Pandoro you’ve already cut into, don’t worry, any size slice is just as tasty.


1 Slice of Pandoro or panettone (about an inch thick)

1 Large egg

50ml Whole milk

Pinch of ground cinnamon

Optional to serve - fresh fruit, icing sugar, maple syrup, crispy bacon

Whisk your eggs, milk and cinnamon together in a wide bowl big enough to fit the largest slice. You can always use an oven dish or something like that if you don’t have a bowl wide enough. Dip the slice in for about 20 seconds each side. You want it to absorb the mixture but not become totally soggy.

Add a small knob of butter to a pan on a medium heat and cook each side for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

If making for more people, place the cooked slices in the oven to keep warm then add more butter to the pan and repeat.

To serve, dust with icing sugar and then serve with some fresh fruit, syrup and perhaps some cream.


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