Easy Salted Caramel Brownies

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Controversially, chocolate isn’t my favourite flavour. That said, if I’m going to bake with chocolate, it’s usually these salted caramel brownies which are easy to make, have minimal washing-up and taste unbelievable. As with all brownies and blondies, the most important thing is the cooking temperature-time - all ovens are different so it’s worth checking regularly towards the end of the cooking time to see how they’re getting on. I like them to be dense and gooey in the centre. We are, after all, making brownies and not cakes here. These are perfect to eat cold with a cup of tea or heated up with a scoop of ice-cream (more on that later).

This recipe uses a tin of Carnation caramel to make the salted caramel, this saves you hours of time boiling a tin of condensed milk to make your own or boiling sugar to make the caramel. It tastes amazing swirled into the dark chocolate mixture and makes them super moreish. Here’s my super easy salted caramel brownie recipe.

1 - Preheat your oven to 175 (fan) and grease and line a 20x30 baking tray. Melt the butter in a heavy-based large saucepan on a medium heat and while its melting break up the chocolate. When the butter has melted add it to the pan and turn the heat to low. Keep stirring until the chocolate has melted and then add the sugar and vanilla and turn off the heat.

2 - Leave to cool slightly before adding the eggs - if they go into the mix while it’s hot the eggs will scramble and it’s game over. Once it’s cooled, add the eggs and mix until they’re fully combined, then add the flour and cocoa powder and mix together until it looks dark and irresistibly glossy.

3 - Pour the brownie mix into your prepared tray and then it’s time for the fun but. In a bowl add the caramel and salt and mix until well combined and the caramel is a bit runny, this makes it easier to swirl in the pan. Dot tablespoons of the caramel evenly on top and then use a skewer or handle of a teaspoon to swirl around, you want swirls rather than mixing it in fully. Finish off with another sprinkle of sea salt flakes to taste and then bake for about 22 minutes in the oven. I like to check after 20 as I prefer them to be nice and gooey in the middle but you can continue to cook, checking every couple of minutes. until you’re happy with the result. Once they’re cooked, leave in the tin to cool and then cut into squares to enjoy.

If I’m making them for a dinner party dessert, I like to use a 20x20 cm pan so they’re thicker and extra gooey which needs to cook for up to 40 minutes.


225g Butter, plus extra for greasing

200g Dark chocolate

225g Sugar (I use 150g light brown sugar and 75 golden caster sugar)

1 tsp vanilla essence

3 Large eggs

2tbs Cocoa powder

150g Plain flour

1 tin Carnation caramel

1tbs Sea salt


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