Jammie Dodger Blondies


You know the feeling when you see something on Pintrest and think 'I HAVE TO EAT THAT'? Well that was me when I first saw a picture of Jammie Dodger Blondies. 

200g white chocolate

180g butter

3 eggs

225g caster sugar

300g plain flour

6tbs seedless jam

100g White chocolate chunks

9 Jammie Dodgers


  1. First, you melt your white chocolate with the butter on a low heat in a saucepan. The white chocolate will have a low melting point so you need to keep an eye on it and stir pretty much constantly. Once it's all melted together take it off the heat and allow it to cool slightly. Preheat your oven to 180/160fan degrees and grease and line a baking tray (a 9 x 13 is perfect or a standard brownie square works well).

  2. In another bowl beat together the eggs and sugar until it's light and fluffy and then add in the vanilla essence. Once combined add the chocolaty melted mixture to the bowl and fold in. Add the flour and fold together to make your blondie batter. 

  3. Pour the batter into your tray making sure it's evenly distributed into the corners and then it's time for the fun bit! Give the jam a good stir  so it's not too stiff and then dollop into the batter making sure you leave enough space to make patterns with the handle of a spoon.

  4. The last thing you need to do is cover the top with Jammie Dodgers. I'm usually all up for swapping ingredients in and out but I think for this it needs to be the real deal. After I'd bought the usual size ones I spotted these adorable mini ones and couldn't resist buying them too. 

  5. Pop your beautiful creation into the oven for 25 minutes until it's just set and has a little colour on the top. Keep an eye on it because you don’t want it to cook all the way through. Once it's done, take it out of the oven and leave to cool completely before cutting into squares; the biscuits on top become soft and the whole thing takes just like a squishy Jammie Dodger. I dare you to try eating just one.

    If you use a square baking tray you’ll need to cook for longer as it’ll be thicker - I allow up to 40 minutes and check every few minutes after 35 mins. Better to be underdone than overdone for sure.


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