Chocolate Dessert Martini

I usually like my cocktails so strong they make me wince. I like cocktails that are savoury or perhaps spicy, and a dirty Gibson vodka martini would be my choice for 11 of the 12 months a year, yet as soon as Christmas rolls around each year my sweet tooth takes hold and I start to crave Baileys and amaretto et all. I have used Baileys here, but this would work well with any creamy irish liqueur - places like Aldi do great ones.

Often, after a big dinner, when I sadly don’t have space for a pudding but fancy something sweet, a delicious cocktail or the stealthy punch of an espresso martini is just what I want. This drink falls into the former category and is perfect for a post-dinner tipple. As a teenager, I used to LOVE Pizza Express and adored their little coffee and tiny dessert combos they did. I’d much rather ‘go hard’ on the savoury than have a pudding, but that said a little something to round the meal off is always a good thing

Chocolate Martini Recipe .jpg


Serves: 1

Time: 5 minutes

50ml Baileys or similar

25ml Vodka

25ml Kahlua coffee liqueur

50ml milk or milk alternative


  1. Simply add your ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake (or stir) vigorously for 30 seconds.

  2. Strain into a chilled martini glass.

  3. Garnish is optional but in homage to those Pizza Express days, I like to garnish with a sweet treat like a marshmallow or on a cocktail stick or a piece of fudge so you’re almost having dessert, but not quite.


Don’t have a cocktail shaker? No worries, just use a jam jar, and if you don’t have a martini glass it’s great served over ice in a tumbler.


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